Dear readers, so for the past 2 days, I've successfully endured day 2 and 3 of the GM diet plan. Below are my summaries for day 2 and 3 respectively.
Now let me start off by saying this day was tough. Even tougher than I thought it would be. I actually thought that I was going to enjoy some savory food for a change but i really missed the fruit day instead.
I started the day with one boiled potato (we were supposed to pat the potato with a pat of butter - which is apparently a MUST to balance the carb that's within the potato and is considered a 'good fat') then I had some boiled brocolli, cauliflower and iceberg lettuce for lunch as well as two servings of the GM diet's 'Wonder Soup' (one for lunch and one for dinner).
By noon, I was craving for something to snack on and wasn't too interested in snacking on more vegetable because it was bland despite seasoning with just pepper and salt but I did however had two medium sized tomatoes and 5 cherry tomatoes.
Overall, I did not enjoy day two too much, because at the end of the day, I was feeling a little weak compared to day 1 where I didn't feel too bad.
Day 3 was so must easier for me. I was craving so much for fruits on day 2 so I started my breakfast with an apple. It was so good! After all that bland vegetables (except the soup), I needed some natural sweetness.
So for lunch I had a fruit and vegetable salad with some vinaigrette and I had 2 pieces of Jack-fruit followed by an apple for tea-time snack.
For dinner, I had a serving of broccoli and a serving of the GM diet's 'Wonder Soup'
All in all, day 3 was so much better than day 2.
Day 4 wasn't too bad, and actually I surprised myself. Day 4, we're supposed to have 4 large bananas throughout the day and skim milk or yogurt is fine.
I started breakfast with two bananas (small sized) and one fat free yogurt.
For lunch I had soup, followed by a snack of banana and half a cup of fat free yogurt. Then for dinner I only had one banana.
I was surprised because despite not eating much, I did not feel hungry for the entire day.
*Keep reading for more updates*
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